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Hypnotherapy is an altered state of consciousness, where the brain waves are lowered to Theta waves (trance state, similar to sleep, 4-8Hz). Entering this state, bypasses the conscious mind and ego and creates a relaxed state of willingness for inner exploration and awakening of Soul memories. In a semi-conscious state I guide you to heal faulty behaviors and stress that stand at the root cause of the problem. We recover and integrate parts of your own self hidden beneath the surface, access past history, knowledge of the present and inner wisdom. Part of the process is teaching the subconscious mind self-hypnosis that can be used without the therapist.


The Inner Child can be healed in hypnosis. In a relaxed semi-consciousness state we invite your subconscious mind to take us to the origin of your pain, or to a non-serving belief. The parts of us that come forward often have been stuck in a memory and are in need of relief of a survival strategy, that has served well in the past, but now is un-needed. Re-parenting your inner-child through love and connection releases unwanted patterns in your adult life. Healing the wounded child can lead to empowering the wonder/Divine child - the part of us that knows joy, connection and freedom.


Somatic Talk Therapy is a holistic therapy with an emphasis on integrating the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of your own self. We utilize breathing and body awareness to deepen the understanding of experience.  Experience has proven that the greatest lessons happen when the client goes through the emotion behind the it, rather than avoiding it.


Parts Therapy & Inner Archetypes activation can be achieved in this relaxed state of hypnosis. Due to stress and negative socialization, there are parts of the self that need recognition, healing, and boundaries. In hypnosis we can assist those parts of self in need for a deeper and harmonic connection. In addition, in trance states, we can enter a deep and powerful multi-dimensional state of being and activate the parts that have inner knowing and wisdom. Contact with power archetypes, your future self, love for oneself, your highest-self and/or your guides, is much easier while in hypnosis. This is all of your support team, waiting to connect with you and inspire you through empowering life experience.


Group sessions and theme workshops are available for this type of work. Group sessions are heald once a month, in small groups. They last 2h and applications are possible at any time. Workshops are held as needed, and incorporate one process. Those last 2 or 3 days, up to 4h in lenght. Group sessions and workshops are intelectual property of the therapist and are channeled and created in accordance to the need of the group in particular moment. Initiative for it came from clients, whome self organized and expressed the need for this kind of work, and are supported by spiritual guidance of the therapist.

somatoterapija hipnoza
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