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Regression Therapy

Past Life Regression can heal present experiences. I use past life therapy, to safely guide you in recalling and healing the root cause of your present situation and release karmic patterns. In addition, you can go back to lifetimes for the purpose of resourcing and connecting to powers, talents, feelings and gifts you possessed in other lives and thus remember who you really are. Creating a deep hypnotic state, together  with a willingness to trust your subconscious, allows you to have a rich and revealing experience emerge during your session. The images, sounds, feelings, knowing that surface are the entry-points to life lessons needed for the intended healing or inquiry (look at somatic talk therapy). Allow for Trusting that what is reveled helps you create an understanding of your present situation and stimulates a shifts.


Past life regression connects us with our larger intent as evolving souls and is a gateway to deepen the curiosity and gratitude for our current life. This is how we actually access and integrate energy, that lives trapped in that life time and that we are in need of now.




Age Regressions are regressions in a certain time period of your current life, childhood and inner child work. They connect us with good feelings, enable remembering important details and finding lost objects, heal traumas, eliminate habits, source of diseases, phobias and beliefs we no longer wish to carry with us. It is not possible not to go into regression. The question is only in what part of our history we go to, if the source of the problem is in this life, we have to deal with it first, so that we can go further in the past and past lives.


Part of the regression process is Womb Regression, where we can also find a cause of the current issue and where we actually discover if that cause is in our current life as a belief or if its a survival strategy we created while in the womb, or is it really in the past life. This is the moment when first Soul memories appear and real conversation with it starts, and when we discover the purpose we came into this life with..


There are many methods to enter a regression, not all of them have to be hypnotic. I use hypnotic regression because it has proved efficient in eliminating conscious mind interference.

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