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Body Wisdom

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There is one topic from practice that I have not written about before. It is the relation of Body and Soul. You may think it's not that important, but it's actually very important. Our body and our Soul are not disconnected, the body belongs to our Soul. Soul is not in the body, as we often think, the body is in the Soul. This means that our Soul chooses the body before incarnating, and it does so for a reason. When we choose the body (I actually saw that I created my body), we choose the life that it will live, the conditions in which it will live, its appearance, vitality, the challenges it carries, the diseases it will have. Because this body and the conditions that come with it enable us to experience exactly what we need, to fulfill the scenario and the mission that we came to fulfill. Our body carries the memories that we store in our energy, memories from this life time (because the body remembers everything, and it might let you know about it years later), but also memories from past lives too. In most cases, these memories do not have to be activated, but it happens that at some point they can become symptomatic and become a desease or ( and I often see this) pains that do not have a medical explanation (which does not mean that you should not consult a doctor) .

Often it happens that when a client decides to have a regression session, he has physical sensations that happen before the session and disappear after it. In that case, we work with that symptom, which is the window, the portal, an introduction to the story that is written there. In there actually a release of energy happens, an energy record, and although it can be unpleasant, it actually helps us, because old energy has to leave the body so that the new one can come in and create new experiences. With the global rise in the energy vibration of the Earth and the collective, I notice a lot of such cases around me. When there is no cause of the disease in the physical body, it is very often found in the emotional body, which we actually work with most often during the session. In fact, it means that the time has come for your Soul to draw your attention to the disconnect with it and through that pain it tells you that you need to pay attention to that place in the body, or some of your bodies. When I was healing my spine, I found several memories written in it. Also, while I was preparing for my hypnotherapy training, and during the course of it, I was going through various physical processes that stopped after training. Clients whose processes are physical, usually finish with them during the session.

I had clients with long-lasting physical challenges, illnesses and traffic accidents who during the session saw that they themselves chose such an experience because they needed it for certain reasons. One of these clients was born with cerebral palsy. Throughout his regression he saw lives in which he was irresponsible to himself and to others, drank, banked and was undervaluing people, even in two lives committed a murder by accident, for which he was in prison, so this time around he chose a body that would tame his impulsive nature , and provide him with "a reward in heaven," as he himself said. This meant that it would speed up the evolution of his Soul and move him faster to the next level of consciousness evolution. We are all here because of the evolution of our Soul, that is the purpose that is common to all of us. How this will happen, through which scenario, this is actually decided by our Soul. At the Soul level, that scenario can change, but only if we attained knowledge, if we understand the lesson, why we are repeating the story, and of course, if we are ready to release that lesson, because when we make that step to the next level we no longer need it. I had a client who during the session saw the reasons for her serious traffic accident and clinical death that she had survived, but those reasons had more to do with the embodiment of her soul than her past life. The moment when her body died was the moment the Soul was born, as she said herself. And when the Soul awakens, it repaired her body. Because the Soul is almighty, and it creates our whole reality. Her recovery and body repair did not happen over night, it took a lot of time, but the outcome, certainly, with the presence of the Soul and her spiritual guidance that was there at that time, was certainly much different from where it could go. When the Soul is awake in the body, it can do anything. Primarily, this happens, in order to accomplish a mission, the evolution of the Soul through a mission, a service to others. This particular client, with all the gifts that her Soul brought her, was an example of that. And what we are most often afraid of is precisely that, our purpose, and our surrender to our Soul. When we awaken to our Soul, we raise our vibration and awareness, and thus raise collective consciousness. The scenarios through which this happens do not have to be so dramatic, but as I have heard from my clients, because of the quality of the vibration and energy level that individual Souls carry, as well as their missions, which can be precisely that, the awakening of the Soul and its embodiment at the material level , this must sometimes be challenging for them in order to learn to overcome the limitations of matter. The goal is to learn, and accept, that everything begins at the level of the Soul, including our body. The spiritual world is not separated from the material one, the spiritual world permeates and creates the material world. Which is an illusion, in a solid form, and as such is subjective to change. In fact, it is not entirely an illusion, but a reflection of the level of consciousness of the Soul at which we arrived at that moment (or which we remembered). In this way we connect with a certain level of collective consciousness (or unconsciousness), and together we create the reality in which we live in. When the level of consciousness of the whole collective is raised to a higher level, then we can create a different kind of reality. Of course, in order to manifest all this, a certain dose of faith and surrender to our Soul is required. When we consciously create, events in our lives do not have to be so dramatic and challenging. When we are in the presence of our Soul, we are happy (I speak from experience), whatever happens around us, and some people, spaces and events attract us more than others, because they connect us to our Soul. But as long as we are in conflict with it and its mission, even such scenarios can become challenging, in order to bring us back to ourselves. And in order to believe, we must understand that we are not our body, we are not our illnesses and pain, we are not our spouses, partners, guys or girls through whom we define ourselves, we are not our organs, or sex organs, sex nor sex acts, we are not our cars, homes, children, achievements , jobs, titles, even our mistakes or addictions, etc. We are our Soul. And it enables us to have all of this, or not have it, by creating the reality that we need for certain reasons. The idea is not to identify with this scenography, but to help us to express our Soul better . The reasons are different for everyone and they are known to your Soul, that is, you, and you can discover them during the session. And then you can, by agreement with your own Soul, create differently, and learn in a different way. Our body is needed by our Soul because it is an instrument through which it expresses itself and realizes itself in material reality, and in that sense it has to be respected and loved. Very often we send negative messages to our body, especially when we are in pain. We all love to feel good in our own skin. If we do not feel well, if something hurts, we are downtrodden, then we can not do what we have to do because we deal consciously or subconsciously with what we are being weighed down by. And when we understand the reasons behind it, and understand that we actually chose this body with which we are not fully connected with, and its challenges that point us in the direction we need to look at, and when we understand that it actually helps us all the time just by being as it is, everything changes. And how will you get there, your body will tell you, and your Soul, if you choose to talk to them. For the healing, and the awakening of the Soul, like any other life change, requires a decision, not just an intention. Because the decision comes from the Soul, and decision is all you need. You just need to trust your Soul. So come, and lets connect to Soul plane ...

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