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Tin Man

I've been trying to write something from my inner male perspective for a while, but it wasn't coming out. The more I tried to find a balanced line, the more I saw disfuncionalities that needed to be cured. Somehow, as much as they try to follow up the awakening of feminine energy, it seems to me that, as awakened as they may be, men cannot cope with these new vibrations. Because, although they may be connected to their inner and divine feminine, they continue to function in the patriarchal system and lives and the choices that were made from it. We all are still functioning in the same energy, it is deep in our cells and healing this is actually a very difficult process. And our primordial memories of the power of the Goddess, who used to be present on Earth, are tied to a matriarchy that as well as the patriarchy supported the imbalance in one direction, and anything that may have been different, was very quickly and violently uprooted. I see it in people around me, in my clients, and in myself. Now feminine energy is being awakened in all of us, women are treated and healed, from all the traumatic centuries of submissiveness, slavery, hiding their talents and powers, their abuses of both sexes, (because women mostly still work from their own inner male because they are afraid to show themselves, because they are afraid of men and they are accustomed to being at their disposal, to be withdrawn, or to become men on the inside to survive). So this is changing now, in men and women, but the dysfunctions of the male energy are only now beginning to sting our eyes. This doesn't mean that there are none in women, but I've written about it, now I'm focusing on this moment. Men are very untied, disconnected, dismanteled from their hearts. Most of us work mainly from our mental mind, but men are mostly not in their hearts. Even when they're in touch with their intuition, and spirituality, it usually doesn't come from the heart and it doesn't pass through the heart. The male world, especially in this region, was not taught to follow their hearts (female wasn't either, but this is not a subject now). Of course, there is love, I am not saying that everyone is completely heartless but the foundation on which this love is based, is based on instinctual attraction, or karmic tales, or some other unconsciously interest based choices rooted in some deeply-hidden belief system (same with women too). We all collectively don't really know how cured man who is completely in the vibration of love functions and looks like, the one that is not manipulating with himself, or others, or indulging into any other powerful ego games. Mainly, there are some unhealed childhood trauma still there, because they do not need to deal with it at all, for God's sake, they are the tin soldiers, or the avatars, who have been so purified from their emotional body that they no longer have it, they have overcome it, while their physical bodies and situations that involve facing some deep pain, persistently show them something else and they are drawing to the surface some boys who are kicking everyone around them in anger, because they are actually sad. These boys, who have neglected themselves as much as ther parents neglected them, constantly take over whenever they feel cornered (or only when someone disagrees with them). They are intelligent, powerful, the most powerful in the universe, and beyond, they are achivers, they provide, create, protect, give, cure, but also without much trouble and remorse, and very loudly destroy, especially when they are frightened, when they are in an unknown situation, when changes are happening, when they misunderstand that they are endangered (or even when they really are), and when they are sad. Because they are never sad, they have no right, no one gave them permission to be sad, they become aggressive when something hurts deep down, whether physically, or when the heart keeps trying to tell them something. They mostly destroy others, most often those closest to them and for whom they are sure they won't retaliate, but also they destroy themselves too. Because by diminishing this someone or something that faces them, or something else, they think they're diminishing that part of themselves that they don't want to face, like it is going to disappear somehow, cease to exist. They are accustomed to achievements, and that someone admires them because of their achievements, and when they can no longer do it the same way as before, they will reach for manipulations, because they must not admit that they do not know how to deal with something, that they cannot cope with something, or someone, or something is confusing, that something no longer functions as before, that they are no longer like before, anything to just somehow stay in their comfort zone, which is long gone because their own body may no longer be comfortable even. Women are here to serve them, there for their entertainment, fun and pleasure, or just because they need to keep their own position, or for continuation of species/offspring (they are felines, not even women, let alone divine feminine, or Goddesses). Often they unconsciously hate women too because they have not worked on issues in relation to their mother, or some past life mother, and have not resolved. it They allow themselves everything, including violence, family one mostly, and anything goes for them, when they don't have what they need where they need it, they will take it elsewhere without pardons, and without understanding, while women in the same situations may not be allowed the same, they must endure everything that a man can serve, whether it is a father, a husband, a son, or a lover. And if they do the same, then they're very judged and presented with yet some more violence. His pain, or some unwanted emotion, he will drown in alcohol, drugs, psychotics and psychedelics, sex, new girl or a car, or some other new toy, food, cigarettes, some spiritual quest or some other addiction by which he will try to keep control of the situation. If that doesn't help, he will misuse the position, power, situation, become aggressive and threatening. Anything just to not go into the unknown again, or for the first time, it doesn't matter. It does not matter if something is unknown, or some emotion, or dealing with some trauma, pain, is what is happening, psychological profile is the same. True, the changes are much easier to fall when we are younger, but then we are less aware and it is not always noticed that the choices we make are under the influence of the patriarchal culture and upbringing, beliefs that have been transfered by our parents, or created by a rebelling against parents, or perhaps from some much deeper trauma, who knows, perhaps even from some past life, when love, or loss of love and support, and the loss of oneself in that process somehow too, so that place must never be looked into again (and we may have even enchanted ourselves to not do it ever, we forgot and expelled someone from all our universes, or two, or three galaxies...). Because, who are we, without that picture of the powerful man we were building for so long, if all that is true? And what if we are nobody and nothing? Maybe, then we can be everything, and anything, but for ourselves again, free of all the roles that others put in front of us and we accepted them because, it was so attractive and powerful... Until it is not anymore...

It's easier to stay put, get sick, become aggressive, cold, take it out on the side, get drunk, fight, have sex that will lift us for a while, go to war, kill someone, or kill yourself, instead to lose yourself completely in your heart (read pain). As such, men are susceptible to various types of manipulation, especially from women (but also from various types of groups and other predatory energies) that are themselves the same, and they function from their male energy, or the unhealed female energy that is dark and will do anything behind the back, manipulate and control, in the illusion of power, and live in coldness, than to really feel their own hearts (if they still have one). Thus, such a man is in constant conflict with his inner and divine feminine, because one such existence is simply not allowed in a world that does not recognize emotion, and usually does not even believe in love anymore, no matter what they say. Because this kind of a bluprint of a man of New Earth, awakened, conscious, who is a real man, but still operates from his heart does not exist at all. All of this is done also by women, they have some of their special ideas and hysteria too, but we certainly allow this story to continue, because it is part of our collective heritage, and we all have to learn new patterns of behavior that we do not have role models for. Because these men, like women, came from dysfunctional family, through the wombs of mothers who were themselves unhealed and carried in themselves the trauma and pain, their own and collective one. We all collectively function from pain, or defence mechanisms that seem to be an escape from that pain, or allow us to remain in some position that we have placed on ourselves, rather than function from love. Which doesn't mean there is dysfunction everywhere and trauma, only in these new vibrations, everything we try to hide even from ourselves, is more visible than before, and men have been supporting and maintaining this system of control and manipulation for much more than women. Sometimes our body shows it through the disease, sometimes through the loss of work, or something, someone important, and sometimes through a relationship, close or not, it is irrelevant, it is essential that it trigger us, and we persistently refuse to look at that place, that trigger. Unfortunately, men do it more often than women. They'd rather find something new, which will support their ego, someone or something that will give them the illusion of admiration, worship, control because they have to be perfect, I guess the world will collapse if they admit they're not, especially if that is with with someone or something they can't manage, or if they fear something because it does not fit into their familiar scheme. And they will be even more aggressive if something, someone persistently refuses to be put in any scheme. At my sessions, they do cry, do admit that something is not functioning anymore, that they must change, or need to change something, they express pain, and fear, the need for change, inspiration, love, the mostly need for love, even if they are married, (like anyone else), but very seldom continue that way in their life, everything stays the same when they return to the known situation. And then all these new energies hurt. And they hurt some more. Because, very often, the other half is missing (this is figuratively only, we are all whole) to ground these energies and integrate them through their own body as it should be done. I could go on like this forever, but we don't really collectively have that bluprint for men who function differently. All of this we have to build together, with the help of the higher forces, spiritual leadership and the new energies outthere already or are coming (new souls). Congratulations to the exceptions, do not misunderstand me, I do not want to offend anyone, but we are all infected with some teaching/belief of how real man should behave and look like, and we all have some unforetold pains and unintegrated parts of ourselves who draw us further in that belief but also deny it at some point too. And everything looks okay and the way the man actually is supposed to be, until he, suddenly is not (or a woman too)... And mostly, we are shown this by some women, who are in our eyes, or the eyes of a man disobedient, unreasonable, insane, but actually only independent at the very moment when someone wants to control them. (When you don't know what to do with a woman, make her crazy, a man on or in a position of power everyone believes too and everything goes for him, a woman is just a woman and who is she to mess with me, and how can she look me in the eyes and defy me, and similar stories done by absolutely every man ever, but he may not always express it...). Maybe it's their wives, who suddenly make a change in routine, or sisters, or whoever, who suddenly won't step back and stands her ground, which suddenly requires flexibility from a man or a change in attitude or something simple as just standing by her side. And none of this is bad, not for conviction, just, you should get caught in that loop and stop, asking yourself maybe, if I was Love, what would Love do now, or say (applicable and applies to each of us, in any situation)... I hope you understand the picture I'm trying to draw here, and as for these energies that I'm talking about, we need to balance the male and female energy within in the first place, and then it will somehow be manifested out, and in all of us through some new blueprint that will then slowly begin to show. I believe that women will again be the ones who will heal their inner male inside first, but I see in the new, younger generations this new trend and way of thinking. Because vengefulness is not a characteristic of an awakened man. The same goes for abuse of sexual energy and femininity, and rivalry, manipulation is not a characteristics of conscious women, nor a man for that matter. I think that's why today there are so many women who work a lot on themselves but are still alone. They are not sicker, it is just that woman of a good heart, the Queen of Hearts, Guide of hearts and Souls wants a man of heart, or a heart of a man, a soul mate, and she would rather be alone until that soul-mate actually and really heals his heart and allows it existence, (and if that doesn't happen ever, even if she feel his pain through herself, at least she won't loose herself in those games, as I hear from those women themselves). There you go, this is from experience from my sessions, with women and men, but mostly women though, anyways something to think about...

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