What's in Your Cornucopia of Abundance?
I thought a lot about whether I should write anything on this topic, because what do I even have to say about abundance, when we mostly reduce it to money? Mostly I don't think I have anything to say about it. Money has been a challenge and a stumbling block, something that hinders me in various experiences, and causes restlessness because there have been too many times I did not have enough even for food. Or so I think. I actually achieved everything I really deeply wanted when I focused on it. Maybe not fast enough, but I did. But what comes to me as a conclusion is that I never ran after money, and it was extremely difficult and tiring for me when I tried to live like that, mostly I wanted to curl up and die, so I just fought tooth and nails to cling to my path. The most important things in the world cannot be bought with money, and do not depend on money, but lately we are faced with valuing everything through money. My value, human value is not reflected through a piece of paper that has no real value, nor through the metal that should give it that value, and especially not through some invisible currency that someone says is worth so and so. It carries some fictitious value that is there to facilitate exchange, and again, to give value to some goods that we need. But it becomes a goal in itself for many of us, whether we have it or not. When we don't have it, that's all we think about because a lot of things depend on it, rent, bills, groceries, loans, mortgage payments, wardrobe, repairs, health, schooling children and whatever you can think of. Now they have even started to charge for the air, since it is so polluted, so everyone buys purifiers, not realizing that they are paying a tax on breathing clean air like this, because you pay for the device, and you pay for the electricity it consumes... Those who have money feel some power influx (we all heard millionaire mindset phrase so often lately) and start playing power over others, and even if it is not so, there are many who would like to use them in various ways and thereby engrave some new ideas about money into their subconscious. I have never seen myself as a money making machine, when in fact there are a lot of people around me who see me that way because I bring them some income, and this happens to anyone who has ever been a tenant or worked for someone else. I am observing what is happening with people these days, as the theme is that we will all die of hunger because everything has become more expensive and there is no money (for us ducklings only of course). I don't see that anyone is trying to do something about it, instead they judge other people around them and grab as much as possible for themselves, making everything more expensive instead of cheaper. Does it mean that money brings out to the surface everything we already have inside of us, mostly the worst of the worst, or what? It's a big mystery to me. Money is just energy, which would mean that those who have a lot of energy should have a lot of it, but that's not always the case. So what's the catch? And what is the solution? What comes to my mind is that the energy that comes to someone in the form of money really brings to the surface what is inside, deeply hidden in the depths of the psyche (yes psyche, not soul, and there is a difference no matter how much some therapists object to this division, that's my observation and I have a lot to back it up with). A lot of you came to me to work exclusively on finance, so I think I can expand on some things, if not generalize. For a long time, I thought that existential questions were related exclusively to the fear of survival, which is dominant there. But it is not exclusive to it. You see, someone will put themselves first, no matter what, even when they are not threatened by anything. And some won't, even when their life depend on it. And mostly with those who have existential problems, there is some larger trauma that is not healed, not touched, whether it is from this life or a past life, and some big secret that usually involves the whole family, if not the whole lineage. Which means that energy gets lost there, it flows away. We always generate energy, without it we wouldn't be alive, but for some it seems like they are always in slavery debt to someone, something, or that they are always working for someone else, generating for others and not for themselves. In essence, they create for everyone else as well, but too often they remain deprived themselves, as if they are always dependent on someone. And they can’t seem to ground that energy at all. Because there is some part of them, an alter, a dissociated part of them, or us that we cannot reach because in many cases it was deliberately created, and is still trapped somewhere (in my case, for example, on an alien invaders ship from the period of Lyra). Which means that there is some deeply buried truth about some pain, betrayal mostly that we are not ready to face, whether it is something we have done ourselves, or whether we have been betrayed/sold by someone very close to us, to whom we believed. The point of an alter is to make us available at all times and keep us from fully developing our potential. In the case of complete financial dependence on someone, the mechanism is the same, you mostly depend on someone who is not really in favor of you and who can control you because he himself is controlled, and thus you are also available. In my case it means that I have a tube that runs along my entire spine and leads to another dimension, and to the actors who stole my place and spiritual heritage long ago. Mostly this happens to those who have experienced ritual sacrifice at some point in their history because persons, or beings that consider to own them get attached to them, and than they can always use them, and for this they do not need consent, especially if they bought access to the genealogy, or contracted it with someone from that lineage at any time, for whatever reasons, and they extend it with manipulations (and aggression) even when you find out about it. I would not expand on this topic now, because it may be too much for many, but it is necessary to touch on it because it means that we are all seen as a resource somewhere, and that there are some energies (I will call them that, even if those are people) that think some form of money is more valuable than conscious being and give themselves the right to determine their price, i.e. value, ( price and value are not the same, I hope you understand that, and wasn't that the case in slave systems throughout history all over). What I see happening (which is not very different from those systems) is how many different beliefs about money and valuing someone or something are coming to the surface these days. There is so little consciousness is involved in that, next to none, let alone divine energy (and there are no feminine energies there either). Grab the money and run, at any cost, provide for oneself first, and if that is not the case, then those people have problems because it is not easy for them in these kind of energies. It's not easy when you lose everything, when you don't have money for food, for children, for health, etc. and no one can help you, or not enough, and when it seems like you're losing your whole life because of something so trivial, and due to some so insensitive energies. No, it's not always karma. Sometimes it is a distraction, on purpose, or an attack. And sometimes it is, which you always find out in the end because it carries a lesson. There are always lessons, of course, but it differs when it is a question of faith and how we react to loss of control, and powerlessness, hopelessness, whether by attacking back or turning to the divine, from a karmic lesson. I testify that people care very little about working on themselves, and if they do, they are reluctant to invest money in it. In our region, they even think that health workers and people from the helping professions somehow always should work for free, because it was in the domain of health care (which we paid for by the way). In fact, those professions receive monetary compensation for their work, they do not work for free, only clients did not pay them directly, they received a salary. That salary was provided by the taxes we payed, not by someone invisible. I'm just surprised when I encounter that way of thinking like 'I don't pay for the dentist because I go to a state institution'! Or that some things should always be available to everyone because when someone has a talent, he got it from God, so he shouldn’t ever charge for it. And I guess they should live on air, or what? Ok, there are always levels, and when someone desperately needs something, there are always concessions and agreements, gifts, in accordance with the possibilities and instructions of our divine guidance. I am now pointing out to some common places in the wrong beliefs that I have encountered. Until our society changes its way of functioning so that resources and current living expenses are not paid for with money, but with an open heart and what you have in it (I wonder how a good part of the population would function at all then!), or they are not charged in general, until then we generally frame the energy exchange of our services in monetary terms. But, of course, that is not and should not be the primary focus, which somehow becomes over time, when this type of work gets devalued and when the general focus of the population is primarily on survival and existential problems. Where there is struggle for survival, there is no room for growth and expansion, one closes down, and thus the need for it is diluted, but unfortunately, traumas flourish, which then themselves demand attention at some point. Now, what actually determines the value of something? Need and demand? Well, not always. In my case, the price of my sessions is determined by my education, professional development and everything invested in it, my personal work on myself and investment in it, my expertise and knowledge, time and money invested in my own growth and development, my talent, time spent with the client, the weight of the problem and the energy I invest, whether there is an organizational team that also has its own costs, the costs of the space in which the sessions or workshops are held, travel costs if the work is done outside the place of residence and accommodation costs (this refers to group work ), and at the same time you can always find a lot of free content that I have created, but no need for further ado, you get the point. If you have ever written a business plan for your business, or come across it, you will understand what goes into it, and how the price list of something (not the value) is determined, which you usually don't know and don't think about when you work for someone else. I use the opportunity to clarify this for those who think that the price of support services is too high, or too low. Yes, there are some of those, because my colleagues of the direction I belong to have a different tariff, and I deviate from it, so that my sessions would still be accessible to the population of my country, as most of my clients are coming from it. And it's impossible to please people, so there are always different ideas. So far, price has never stopped those who really wanted to work with me from coming to a session, and asking for some concessions if they needed it. God knows I got & get concessions too, when I need it. The only condition for working with me is that you really want a change and that you are ready to receive the truth, not the confirmation of your illusions, so the price itself also serves to ensure that only those who are really ready for this type of work are found there, because there is no other way I want to get involved in it myself. Now, what does all this have to do with the topic? It does, because I am constantly faced with other people's prejudices and unworked schemes, in one way or another regarding fees too. You see, those who will primarily think only of their well-being, and profit, will not even think of explaining to anyone why they charge something the way they do. When the handyman comes to fix your water heater, or the door because you're locked so you can't get in or out, or the plumber, he won't explain why he's charging for his service at all, he won't even question it, and you won’t either, you'll have to pay for it because you won't get it otherwise. Now you may be in a position to look for a more capable one, or a cheaper one, but if something is not fixed properly, you'll know it right away. Whereas in the helping professions, you will very often not ask for expertise and talent, but whether or not you should, and how much to pay (and that how much is always too much). And then you pay a lot more for that kind of incompetence on the long run, only you're not always aware of it. The misfortune is also that everyone thinks that they actually understand each other's psyche and soul, and are experts on it, and they push themselves where they don't belong and are not invited, or they have incredible prejudices, and some kind of anger, towards the therapists profession, especially the women therapists. Somehow, the deterioration of the personality and the devaluation of the spirit are much more acceptable to us than anything else, and this actually leads to all the other problems that we face as individuals and as a civilization. What is of value to you, and how much does it worth to you? And do you believe more in the energy you feel somewhere, in someone, or in marketing strategies, sales pitches that sell smoke to you? Does money serve you, or are you a servant to money? Right now I would say we all serve it. Because that's the difference when you choose only yourself, and everything you can put into your own existence, either out of fear or ego, you still serve some other master, not your own soul. And when you are in existential problems, you can serve another master too because if something is constantly being taken from you, you have nothing to give, so at some point you won't be able to. It doesn't always mean that you chose to serve yourself that way, or a master, but it means that once upon a time, things were set up that way in this reality, so that sometimes it seems as if other ways don't even exist. The global energy climate reflects to us the issue of not being taken care of, and powerlessness, hopelessness, meaninglessness, which are the threads behind existential issues, and how large power systems of any kind are maintained. You will be fine if you do this and that, you will be taken care of if you do this this and that, you will live well if you do this and that, you will live at all if you do this and this and that, and obey, don't go where your heart leads you, or to such and such a person, or to some place, or whatever but where I tell you otherwise... (how any mafia functions, including the spiritual one, and this is known to all of us from private life, I'm sure, me first). And we are all somehow programmed to it, ancestrally or culturally, and it is difficult to get out of those programs, and even more difficult to change them. Because that's how we get into competitions, rivalries, mistrust of each other, and loss of self-confidence and faith in the end. There is social game that I came across when I was being trained as a facilitator to create space for inner change, it's called 'Red and Blue' (not alluding to anything, honestly), or in the original 'Prisoner's Dilemma', (https://www.jstor .org/stable/173932, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma ). It was designed by Robert Axelrod, who studied the behavior of prisoners, and it is intended for the corporate world mostly (that's how it was passed on to me, and that's how I retell it to you now). Namely, the goal of the game is that someone has to win, because that's the only way to get a prize, and then the idea is that whoever wins, shares the prize with others. Only selected representatives of the players' teams know this, the rest do not, and they must somehow direct their teammates to the team that was chosen to win in their group meetings. Chaos usually ensues, because everyone is either trying to win or lose, but those who do not understand the point of the game well, since there is little time for meetings and communication and listening styles and various patterns of behavior come to the surface, begin to be viewed as enemies, and they literally throw energy balls at each other (red is bad behavior, like a slap, blue is good like affection, you use colors as chess). Because if one doesn't win, but someone, for example, doesn't understand the rules of the game, and tries to make everyone win, or changes the deal so he wants his team to win, then no one gets anything, since according to those rules, it looks like you're working against each other . And there all kinds of prejudices, ideas, anger, all kinds of behavior come to the surface, which is the point of the game, to understand one's own and other people's style of communication and behavior, which almost never happens. I personally never led that game, except when being trained, because I couldn't handle the amount of aggression it drew from people. Which seems to me to be happening even now, in this global experiment that we have all been dragged into, and allow to happen to us, instead of changing the rules of the game, or not play it at all. And what does the soul, and the divine in general, ask of us? What are the rules of that game? No, not blind obedience, and not sacrifice, that's what the mafia does. The divine requires love and faith, and cooperation. You will not materialize a hundred of bread loaves and fishes just to prove to yourself that you can do it, and to show others your power, or to please your parents who will not support you on your journey, or to show your boss that you can do it, nor to pick up other people's energy, support, love, get followers, but because it is necessary at that moment, in order to feed the hungry, not only their stomachs but also their souls, which in that energy will rise to a higher level of faith and existence, they rise up. You will not materialize gold in order to drive Rolls Royces (although it’s been known to happen, I just don't know from which boss it came from, i.e. from which realm of existence) but to provide space for lodging, accommodation, treatment, someone's life, or for the redemption of someone's soul, for their ransome (oh yes, that happens too, but about that on another occasion, because some energies and some contracts require only that, until we all grow up to a level of existence where they cannot thrive). Just as you will not perform miracles and raise from the dead, in order to demonstrate your powers but to testify to the power of God. Why do I say materialize? Because money is materialized energy, like everything else. Actually, we view everything as a resource, even energy, and that's a catch-22. We've been trading energy for a long time, and we do everything possible with it, but create. Our reality, our hologram, is created by our soul, not by our thoughts. Yes, we can direct energy that way, but with a sufficient amount of it, which is why we create collectively (this is why some actors steal energy from another, and this is why it is seen as resource, as they need it to materialize stuff). And as we are taught to trade energy, we thus support a false matrix, a false web of life because all that nature and the spirit that makes it up know is to create and give. Actually we all create constantly, but mostly most of us not always for ourselves and not very consciously. Soul, our higher self, creates with energy and that's why we work on fragments, old traumas, wrong beliefs from who knows when, all of the ways we made not so good choices, because it's all written in energy. The soul can create something better, no problem, but it always wants to heal something that has been painful for a really long time and no longer serves anything, and what creates a block in connection flow between it and you. Everything starts at the soul and spirit level, it ends here, so if the soul is not healed and there are more fragments, or you need more realizations on your path, or you are in too dense an energy that does not support you, the materializations you want will not happen yet. The divine force that works through you should take precedence in everything, even in solving your everyday problems, and your issues, not your beliefs about how something should be and how something should be solved. And yes, it is very difficult when it comes to existential issues (because no one wants to start first, for God's sake, what kind of rebel would that be, someone handing vegetables from his stand for free to people, for example, and how would he pay his bills then). And on the other hand, for some, i.e. for many, it is in difficulties, the easiest way to believe in the existence of the divine. And until things change, it can be very challenging for those who are not of the same density as everyone else around them, especially if they are in need. But then the question remains, do you follow your own lane, or do you choose to side with the mafia, even the one that is inside you (I mean illusions, in case someone doesn't understand)? No, it's not about which kingdom you will choose, earthly or divine (it’s frikin same!), but exactly that, do you choose your soul and your spirit, your route of expansion, despite everything, because when you choose it, it materializes, including money with it, if that is what is needed, and it will not entrap you. And when more of us choose exactly that, then we create a new path where everyone will prosper, by giving to others, because the ones that are given won’t hoard. Or we will all remember again how to create, and retrieve all our energy back, because only then we manifest what we need in front of us as soon as we need it, and without any barter or trade, because we take it from our own energy. Those kind of realities do exist, you know, and we are their products. Until then, however, I encourage you to choose your soul, and stay in your own lane, not someone else's. And if you got stuck somewhere along the way, come by and I'll give you a rope, so that you can get rescued out.
Note: image author unknown